
June 2023
Check out this article about the Gilman Scholarship I received for my research endeavors in Toronto!
March 2023
I received an IDEA grant to research memory in the Memory & Perception Lab @ the University of Toronto this summer!
    Parahippocampal cortex and fusiform gyrus integrate conceptual and perceptual features of object images
    Allen, S.D., Kretschmar, R.A., Delmore, T., Barense M.D., & Martin, C.B. (Apr. 2024)
    Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2024 Annual Meeting

    Differential engagement of dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortex in retrieval of recognition and semantic memory
    Allen, S.D., Connolly, C.G., Martin, C.B. (Nov. 2023)
    Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Neuroscience 2023

  • Title
    Allen, S.D., Authors Name (year)

    Characterizing the durability of experience-dependent representational changes in the hippocampus
    Allen, S.D., Barense, M.D., & Martin, C.B. (Oct. 2023)
    President's Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence, Florida State University